Tuesday, May 24, 2011

WAY too long!!

I feel like I haven't been acting very Mildredy the past few months. Makes me sad.  However... tonight I did finish the forth and final Lang kid quilt!  I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out since I didn't have a pattern picked out when I bought the fabric, but I am very happy with how it turned out.  Again, I didn't use a set pattern for this one.  I'm starting to like the whole find something that looks good and try to recreate it.  I like that when you look at the quilt from a different angle it looks like a different pattern by taking away the diagonal color pattern.  I'm a little geeky when it comes to geometry stuff like that.

Luckily I was able to find some nice snuggly backing that had all the right colors on it.  I hope the Lang family likes all their quilts.  It is a little nerve wrecking trying to interpret someone else's color selection and image of the layout.  Hopefully I wasn't too far off.  It was great to find someone to fuel my desire to make quilts when I didn't have any more beds to put them on in my house.

Here's to me keeping up on my Mildredness.